Monday, 22 November 2010


tehee! get my nails art done! went out with fong, xin, sharon and shyan today! soo tired! yeah flying to KL on tomorrow! holidays mood on!

i love my hand's nails art!

update again! chiong k with them again leta! yeahoooo

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Animals are such agreeable friends.
They ask no questions,
they pass no criticisms.


Someone that knows where to buy this cooling fan please kindly tell mi okie?


Saturday, 13 November 2010


I went to a dog's show and competition this afternoon! OMG! there were sooo many dogs that brought by their owners to show at there! In other words, to show off. hahaha! Hey, they spent so much money on their dogs, bring them there to show off and get some compliments from the people, that is what a dog's owner want right?

Show time!!!

oomg! I LOVE THIS DOG! i dunno what is the breed but this dog looks damn cute and fat! he/she can't even walk for too long and can't see clearly because his/her skin covered the eyes!

It is too hot for he/she!!!

Shih Tzu too. But y izzit looks so white and clean but BiBi and DiDi become like this? I'm not going to cut their fur from now on!

Hush Puppies! U can see this dog everywhere!

this dog is super small in size! he/she looks so tiny on his/her owner's arm!

the scary boo-dog!!!

another boo-dog!

boo-dog again!

The show was more about German Shepherd and Rottweiler and I don't like those kind of "big-size" dogs.. but i was so enjoy of watching some owners that brought their dogs there not for the competition but to show people only. hahaha!

OK. off now!
Girl, mummy loves u! hahaha!

Thursday, 11 November 2010


Haha. I'm super boring now!
So, I'm here to update!
Just to share a good news here! Our HK trip still goes on! Yeah, another family trip! I'm sooo looking forward to it! Disneyland here I come!

Gonna get myself a camera. yeah finally I got the chance to get it! I wish to have my own camera for soooo damn long already! Canon Ixus 130! I'm going to bring u back soon!

p/s: anyone who is using this camera and hv some complains about it, please tell mi okie?

I've changed my blogskin. Its da footprint of dogs!
I love dogs.
I love my girl!

Sunday, 7 November 2010


Super short post! Just wonder what should i do because my fat boy fall asleep aleady.. Gonna let him to sleep for maybe half an hour, then wake him up to fetch mi back. I know he is super tired today cos he needs to work and yet we went out until so late last night.. Oh ya, just got back from KB. went to KB to settle that 2 little naughty bao bei, bath and cut their fur. they really not kai wan xiao one, they can just bark for nothing everyday, anytime. I wonder how my boy tahan them..

Sharon is enjoying her Taiwan trip now.. My family and I are going to KL on the 24th of this month. Supposedly, my parents planned to go HK but there is not enough of people to join the tour so it might be canceled. So, we're planning to go Penang, Melaka and Singapore lor if that trip is cancel.

Gonna sit for my Ielts test on the 2Oth of this month!
Wish mi good luck~~~

Monday, 1 November 2010



对,我收到 University of Adelaide 的 offer letter 了.. 等了那么久,终于收到了,可是我必须要多读半年,是讲要 1.5 yrs 才毕业。为什么呢?因为成绩不好,没达到要求.. 很开心的收到这个通知,跟爸爸妈妈讲,却被骂了一顿,爸爸说我浪费钱害他要多还半年的学费.. 我自问第二年的时候我真的真的是很努力了,为什么成绩就是那么差.. 我真的有努力了.. 为什么就是那么笨,不能像其他帮上的同学那么厉害..

正所谓祸不单行.. 今天同时被爸爸妈妈骂,也跟他吵架了.. 有谁能教教我怎样才能解决这些问题?一段感情到了一定的时候是不是就会开始有很多问题?这些问题就好像炸弹一样不知道它们几时会爆..

好像发现到,当我不开心的时候,还真的找不到个陪在我身边的人.. 做人做到像我这样,也算是很厉害了...